Tuesday, April 12, 2011

How High Can You Go?

Ever wondered if there are structures taller than our own CN Tower? Well in reality the CN tower is ranked around the 100's for tallest structure. At number 1 we have Burj Khalifa with an enormous height of 828 m (2717 ft.) What has enabled this structure to maintain such a grand height? Usually when designing a building the main considerations to create a successful building is:

1. The use of strong, unbreakable materials
2. The shape. Usually we see buildings decrease in width from top to bottom. This increases stability. Of course we can't forget the triangles. It had been put into our heads since grade two that it is the strongest shape out there!
3.Weight can be another factor. We can't have a heavier top than bottom... The base should have the most mass.
4. Having a low centre of gravity which minimizes risks and difficulties

Burj Khalifa - Tallest Structure in the World!

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